Includes typical use of agents and distributors and how to find a good partner, e.g., whether use of an agent or distributor is legally required.

Finding a good agent and/or distributor is the most effective means of market entry in BiH.  Reliable and capable partners can be found, but it may take some time and effort to locate them.  Local partners can be located through the Foreign Trade Chamber of BiH, which maintains a business registry and features an electronic goods and services exchange.  It is strongly recommended that the creditworthiness and local reputation of your future partner be verified before signing legal documents or conducting any business transactions. 

U.S. Embassy Sarajevo can assist in locating potential partners and assessing their creditworthiness.  Through a partnership with the U.S. Foreign Commercial Service, the Embassy provides the International Partner Search (IPS) and the International Company Profile (ICP) services to U.S. companies.  The American Chamber of Commerce in Bosnia and Herzegovina is also a useful source of information on potential partners.

Prepared by our U.S. Embassies abroad. With its network of 108 offices across the United States and in more than 75 countries, the U.S. Commercial Service of the U.S. Department of Commerce utilizes its global presence and international marketing expertise to help U.S. companies sell their products and services worldwide. Locate the U.S. Commercial Service trade specialist in the U.S. nearest you by visiting