Privacy Shield Framework

Download Full Text of the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Principles and Annex I

Download Full Text of the Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework

EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework
I. Overview

II. EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Principles

1. Notice
2. Choice
3. Accountability for Onward Transfer
4. Security
5. Data Integrity and Purpose Limitation
6. Access
7. Recourse, Enforcement and Liability

III. EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Supplemental Principles

1. Sensitive Data
2. Journalistic Exceptions
3. Secondary Liability
4. Performing Due Diligence and Conducting Audits
5. The Role of the Data Protection Authorities 6. Self-Certification
7. Verification
8. Access
9.  Human Resources Data
10. Obligatory Contracts for Onward Transfers
11. Dispute Resolution and Enforcement 12. Choice – Timing of Opt-Out
13. Travel Information
14. Pharmaceutical and Medical Products
15. Public Record and Publicly Available Information
16. Access Requests by Public Authorities

EU-U.S. Annex I (Binding Arbitration)

A. Scope
B. Available Remedies
C. Pre-Arbitration Requirements
D. Binding Nature of Decisions
E. Review and Enforcement
F. The Arbitration Panel
G. Arbitration Procedures
H. Costs

Oversight and Enforcement by the U.S. Government under the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework

  • Letter from Secretary of Commerce, Penny Pritzker, transmitting the Privacy Shield Package
  • Letter from the International Trade Administration describing its administration and oversight of the Privacy Shield  
  • Letter from the Department of Transportation describing its enforcement of the Privacy Shield
  • Letter from the Department of State and accompanying memorandum describing a new Privacy Shield Ombudsperson for submission of inquiries regarding the United States’ signals intelligence practices

Descriptions of the Broader U.S. Privacy Framework

  • Letters prepared by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence regarding safeguards and limitations applicable to U.S. national security authorities
  • Letter prepared by the Department of Justice regarding safeguards and limitations on U.S. Government access for law enforcement and public interest purposes