Provides advice on IPR protection, including information on the registration of patents and trademarks.
Iceland adheres to key international agreements on property rights (e.g., Paris Union Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property).  Trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets and industrial designs are all protected under Icelandic law.  As with many other issues, Iceland follows the European lead in protection of property rights and adheres to the European Patent Convention of 1973.  In 2005, Iceland signed the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT).

As a member of the EEA, Iceland accepts jurisdiction of the EEA Court.  Property rights are recognized and protected in the Constitution of Iceland.  Secured interests in property are bound by law, and enforced as such, and there is a reliable system which records such security interests.

The Icelandic Patent Office, a government agency under supervision of the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, handles all patent disputes in Iceland.  The legal framework concerning intellectual property rights (IPR) in Iceland is in all respects equivalent to that of other industrialized countries in Europe.  Iceland is a World Trade Organization (WTO) member, and Icelandic legislation complies with WTO Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) requirements.  Iceland does not maintain a database on the number of and seizures of counterfeit goods, but there is a website where rights holders, customs officials, and other stakeholders can report suspected goods.  It is illegal to resell counterfeit goods, but not illegal for individuals to buy and import them for their own consumption.  There has, however, been a recent crackdown on counterfeit goods in public offices.

Illegal downloading and distribution of films and TV shows is common in Iceland, but few have been prosecuted so far. It is becoming increasingly popular in Iceland to purchase counterfeit consumer goods on Chinese websites, such as, but again, prosecutions are rare. Customs seize counterfeit products if found and contact the owner of the intellectual property who then decides whether to press charges against the importer or not. If the owner of the intellectual property does not want to take legal actions, customs clear the items and send them to the importer.

As an EFTA state and member of the EEA, Iceland has implemented all relevant EU regulations and directives in the field of IPR. Iceland is also bound by bilateral EFTA free-trade agreements which include provisions on IPR.

Iceland is not listed in the USTR’s 2018 Special 301 Report, nor is it listed in the notorious market report. Iceland is a member of the European Patent Organization, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and a party to most WIPO-administered agreements.  For additional information about treaty obligations and points of contact at local IP offices, please see WIPO's country profiles at

In any foreign market companies should consider several general principles for effective protection of their intellectual property. For background, please link to our article on Protecting Intellectual Property and for more resources.

Applications or enquiries pertaining to intellectual property as well as industrial property should be addressed to:
Einkaleyfastofan - Icelandic Patent Office
Engjateigi 3,
150 Reykjavík
Tel:  +354 580-9400

Copyright and related rights should be addressed to:
Secretary General
Ministry of Education, Science and Culture
Sölvhólsgötu 4
150 Reykjavík
Tel:  +354 545-9500

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