Estonia - E-CommerceEstonia - eCommerce
There are 630,000 e-commerce users in Estonia today, with an additional 50,000 users expected to be shopping online by 2021. Total Estonian e-commerce revenue across all product categories is 273 million USD and is expected to grow to 429 million USD by 2021. Fashion is currently the leading product category in Estonia, which accounts for 110.2 million USD in e-commerce sales, followed by Electronics & Media, which generates 79.7 million USD in online sales.
For their online purchases 52% of Estonians utilize international online shopping platforms like Alibaba, Aliexpress and Amazon.
Estonia ranks 9th in the EU's Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2018 based on European Commission data. Estonia topped the rankings in online public services and scored above the EU average in digital skills of the population and Internet usage. More on EU's Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI)
Estonia has a extensive network of smart lockers, which are used by 86% of online buyers for delivery. 46% of online shoppers get their purchases delivered by courier services.
Estonia maintains a robust IPR regime. The quality of IP protection in legal structures is strong, enforcement is good and infringements and theft are uncommon. Estonia is not listed in USTR’s Special 301 report or in the Notorious Market report.
There are three methods mostly used for paying for internet purchases: internet bank payments through a bank link service (56%), card payments (31%) and e-wallet solutions like PayPal (8%).
Estonian companies offer a full range of services when it comes to strategic and tactical marketing communications, market research, advertising, POS materials, event marketing, PR, cost-effective advertising development and management services for AdWords campaigns, and other online marketing campaigns.
There are no major buying holidays but online shopping sees record sales before the Christmas holidays.
About 57% of the Estonian population uses social media. The leading social networks are Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. Russian-speakers favour Russian social media, especially Odnoklassniki and VKontakte.