Other Covered Entities

Getty Images (Seattle), Inc.
Getty Images (US), Inc.
Getty Images News Services (PRC), Inc.
Getty Images, Inc. and its subsidiaries


  • Media and Entertainment
  • Visual Arts
  • Photographic Services


UK Extension to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework Framework: Active

Original Certification Date: 9/6/2023
Next Certification Due Date: 12/21/2024
Data Collected: HR

Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework Framework: Active

Original Certification Date: 7/11/2017
Next Certification Due Date: 12/21/2024
Data Collected: HR, NON-HR

EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework Framework: Active

Original Certification Date: 3/31/2017
Next Certification Due Date: 12/21/2024
Data Collected: HR, NON-HR

Purpose of Data Collection

Getty Images processes personal data to operate and improve its sites, process transactions, provide customer service, perform research and analysis aimed at improving products, services and technologies, and to display content that is customized to user interests and preferences. In addition, such data is used to communicate via welcome letters; billing reminders; purchase confirmations; surveys; marketing emails etc. Getty Images uses a limited number of third-party service providers to assist us in providing our services to customers. These third party providers assist with the transmission of data, and provide data storage services and other technical operations. These third parties may access, process, or store personal data in the course of providing their services. Getty Images maintains contracts with these third parties restricting their access, use and disclosure of personal data in compliance with its Privacy Shield obligations.

Privacy Policy

HR Data

Getty Images, Inc. HR Privacy Policy

Updated HR Internal Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 9/10/2019

Non-HR Data


This is our current Privacy Policy. Further changes to it are anticipated as further guidance on the Schrems II decision is released.

Effective Date: 7/28/2020

Updated Non-HR Privacy Policy for Getty Images

Effective Date: 1/1/2022

Current Getty Images public facing Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 10/1/2020

Updated non-HR Privacy Policy for Getty Images

Effective Date: 9/1/2022

Verification Method


Dispute Resolution

Questions or Complaints?

If you have a question or complaint regarding the covered data, please contact Getty Images, Inc. at:

Adam Barnett
Director, Corporate Counsel
Getty Images, Inc.
605 5TH Ave S Ste 400
Seattle, Washington 98104-3887

Privacy Shield organizations must respond within 45 days of receiving a complaint.

If you have not received a timely or satisfactory response from Getty Images, Inc. to your question or complaint, please contact the independent recourse mechanism listed below


Appropriate statutory body with jurisdiction to investigate any claims against Getty Images, Inc. regarding possible unfair or deceptive practices and violations of laws or regulations covering privacy Federal Trade Commission