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EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework Framework: Inactive - Lapse

Original Certification Date: 3/14/2018
Inactive Start Date: 2/19/2022

Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework Framework: Inactive - Lapse

Original Certification Date: 3/14/2018
Inactive Start Date: 2/19/2022

Purpose of Data Collection

The Law Office of Henry Park, PC (“LOHP”) receives personal data (such as identifying information, professional information, financial information) from the EEA in the context of providing legal services to its clients related to obtaining and enforcing their legal rights, as well as defending our clients against assertion of legal rights by others. All personal information received by LOHP for these purposes is treated as confidential, in accordance with both our ethical obligations and with our obligations to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, the U.S. courts, foreign patent offices and courts, and other administrative tribunals. Personal information may be shared with our service providers provided they also have agreed to comply with the Privacy Principles, or, in the alternative take measures to further protect the information disclosed.

Dispute Resolution

Questions or Complaints?

If you have a question or complaint, please contact Law Office of Henry Park PC at:

Henry Park
Law Office of Henry Park PC
Privacy Office
400 Rella Blvd, Suite 123-77
Montebello, New York 10901

Appropriate statutory body with jurisdiction to investigate any claims against Law Office of Henry Park PC regarding possible unfair or deceptive practices and violations of laws or regulations covering privacy Federal Trade Commission