Other Covered Entities

Bandsintown, LLC


EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework Framework: Active

Original Certification Date: 4/6/2020
Next Certification Due Date: 3/5/2024
Data Collected: NON-HR

Purpose of Data Collection

Bandsintown services enable individuals to browse through music concert information including artists, event dates and other related materials, access ticket links and receive recommendations based on their location and music taste through emails, push notifications, web or mobile devices. Some of our users are located in the EU. With respect to Bandsintown users, Bandsintown collects the following data and uses such data solely for the purpose of providing services with its users: When an individual signs up to use Bandsintown services, only with user's permission, Bandsintown may collect contact information (email, name, …) and profiling information (location, music preferences, …). In connection with the customer’s actual use of Bandsintown services, Bandsintown will collect information that is created or provided by the user for those purposes. For example, if the individual uses Bandsintown Concert Mobile Application to receive a concert announcement, Bandsintown will collect and maintain the data related to that use including content, recipient device token, size and time of the message and other transactional data. Also, when a user (and others) visit Bandsintown site, Bandsintown will collect information concerning the user’s browser, IP address and the pages requested.

Privacy Policy

Non-HR Data

Document: Privacy Policy

The Privacy policy applies to the personal data that Bandsintown collect, use and/or communicate through the use of its services, meaning the use of its platforms and applications.

Effective Date: 12/2/2021

The Privacy Policy for Bandsintown Platforms and Applications applies to artists, fans, promoters or any individual visiting Bandsintown's websites or applications

Effective Date: 4/21/2022

Verification Method


Dispute Resolution

Questions or Complaints?

If you have a question or complaint regarding the covered data, please contact Bandsintown Group, Inc. at:

Xavier Cany
Bandsintown Group, Inc.
8 W 36th Street, 9th floor, New York, NY 10018
New York, New York 10018

Privacy Shield organizations must respond within 45 days of receiving a complaint.

If you have not received a timely or satisfactory response from Bandsintown Group, Inc. to your question or complaint, please contact the independent recourse mechanism listed below


Appropriate statutory body with jurisdiction to investigate any claims against Bandsintown Group, Inc. regarding possible unfair or deceptive practices and violations of laws or regulations covering privacy Federal Trade Commission